Welcome to the home of the Academic Integrity Board Game! The AIBG is an open educational resource that I encourage everyone to use, adapt, remix and repurpose. This project came from my frustration after discovering 17% of my cohort had cheated in an assessment task and did not seem to have a strong understanding of general academic integrity principles or the requirements of my university.
My name is Dr Amanda White and I’m a Senior Lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney. The Game was developed in a project with students to help educate students about Academic Integrity. We thank the UTS LX Lab for a $2000 learner experience grant received in 2017 to develop the board game.
The latest version of the AIBG is designed for online play using PowerPoint. The questions and scenario cards used in the game can be easily edited.

Academic Integrity Board Game by Amanda White, Emma Gogolewski, Tyler Key is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.